Monday, January 7, 2008

What’s A Worm?- Part 1

Bait is bait.

The Northern or Canadian night crawlers to which I was so accustomed, are the Premier in this category. They are fat and juicy and grow big. They, however, do not grow fast. In fact they grow so slowly that it is considered nearly impossible to raise them in a bin structure. You might be able to keep them alive for long periods of a time, they may even grow big and fat, but they will not establish a self-sustaining population of any size; maybe for a small personal stash, but it could never be expanded into a commercial endeavor. Northerns are harvested on golf courses and farm land at night wit guys with lights and buckets. They are then boxed and sent out to fishermen everywhere. In one report that I saw, Canada reported over 500,000,000 night crawlers were exported. Wow!

African and European night crawlers are not as big and they are not as fat, but they grow fast and don’t mind being housed and raised in bins. One day, they might challenge the Northerns but only because of their tolerance to heat. No more explaining to the wife why the worms are in the cooler or worse, the refrigerator!

Red worms are just not big. They may work fine for small fish and small hooks, but what’s the fun in that??!!

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